What does it mean to have sole custody of a child?

On Behalf of | Feb 14, 2018 | Child Custody, Firm News |

A child custody case can resolve in a unique arrangement of time-sharing and parental cooperation to ensure that a Florida child spends sufficient time with each of their parents and that their parents are both involved in their life. However, in some cases a parent may be denied custodial power of their child. This denial can apply to both their rights to physical and legal custody. Physical custody refers to where a child physically resides, while legal custody is the right to make important decisions for a child, including those involving education and medical treatment.

A parent with sole custody, both physical and legal, has the ability to care for their child under their own roof while being entitled to make all important decisions about the child’s well-being and care. These parents do not have to work around a physical custody schedule that requires the child to spend overnight visits with their other parent, and the parent does not have to consult with the other parent before moving the child to a different school or allowing the child to undergo a medical procedure.

A parent who has lost custody of their kids is called a non-custodial parent. They may be able to seek visitation time with their children, even if they do not have custody of them. It is worth noting that parents who do not have custody of their kids are generally not released from their requirement to provide their kids with financial support in the form of child support.

Sole custody gives one parent control over their children’s lives. Non-custodial parents who wish to become more involved in the lives of their children may wish to explore their options, including a child custody modification, with the help of family law legal professionals.

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