When children return to school in the fall, parents can be both relieved and concerned about the coming months of their lives. On one hand, Florida parents may be excited to have their children back to learning and building their educational bases. On the other hand, they may be concerned about helping their children stay motivated, active and involved in the many activities that often accompany the start of the new academic year.
Managing the day-to-day commitments of one or more kids can be a job all on its own. When two divorced or separated parents find that they must juggle soccer practices, piano lessons, choir rehearsals, swim meets and a myriad of other obligations that their children have taken on, they may discover that their custody plan is not working. A custody plan that does not serve the needs of the children it covers may require modification in order to become workable for both the kids and their parents.
The attorneys and staff of Winter Spires & Associates understand that getting a child custody plan right the first time is important to parents. They also know, however, that kids’ needs change and so do the lives of their parents. When changes like new schools, new obligations and new needs appear in the lives of children, their parents must be ready to take active steps to protect their interests.
A modification to a child custody plan may allow one parent more time with their kids so they can play a more active role in their development, or it may change when visitation is allowed to permit a parent to participate in the lives of their kids. Individuals who are concerned about how they will manage their kids’ new schedules in the coming school year may want to get more information about how child custody modifications may serve their family needs.