Drivers in Florida may have seen DUI tests being executed while driving down their local roads: individuals walking in lines, standing on one foot or looking at the flashlights of law enforcement officials. These seemingly random acts are a series of sobriety tests...
Drunk Driving
What to do after a drunk driving arrest
Over the Fourth of July holiday Florida residents may have enjoyed celebratory events with friends and family. It is not uncommon for individuals of the legal drinking age to indulge in beer, wine and other alcohol spirits when they are having a good time in the...
Florida sheriff advocates for stricter drunk driving laws
Drunk driving can be a dangerous practice that can lead to accidents and arrests. The state of Florida, as well as other jurisdictions throughout the nation, have criminalized the act and impose different penalties on those who are convicted of drunk driving crimes....
Medical conditions that can affect blood alcohol content
Every Florida resident agrees that driving drunk is not a good idea. But whether a driver is actually drunk or not can be a complicated area. There are certain medical conditions that may affect a person's blood alcohol content level.When a person is pulled over on...
Know your options after a drunk driving arrest
An arrest for alleged drunk driving can be an unexpected and terrifying experience. In a moment's time a driver may be on their way home and suddenly confronted with a law enforcement official, a series of sobriety tests, and accusations that do not match with the...
What factors can influence my BAC?
A person's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) can be impacted by many internal and external factors. This post will offer readers a brief discussion of some of the ways a person's BAC may be affected. This information is important for Florida residents facing drunk...
What is an ignition interlock device?
If a Florida driver is arrested on suspicion of drunk driving and then later convicted on those charges, they may face a variety of possible legal consequences. While they may lose their driving privileges either through a license suspension or revocation, they may...
Subsequent arrests can result in more serious DUI penalties
Getting through a drunk driving arrest can be a difficult and costly experience for a Florida resident. So much so that many people who suffer this unfortunate fate take pains to ensure that they will never have to go through the process again. However, not all...
Can a person challenge the results of a field sobriety test?
Field sobriety tests are real-time assessments that law enforcement officials make of individuals who they suspect are driving while drunk. In Florida, the police can use a variety of field sobriety tests to look for signs of alcohol impairment in drivers, such as the...
Defend DUI charges with committed legal representation
Over the last few weeks, this Florida-based drunk driving defense legal blog offered a brief review of how a person's blood alcohol concentration may impact the type of charge that is filed against them. While a low BAC level is not an automatic indicator that a...
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