If you wish to buy or sell a property, you must first clear the title. This requires resolving any disputes to ensure there will be no legal complications in the future. Property title issues can arise when there are problems with the ownership of a property. They can...
A comprehensive guide to the adoption process
Adopting a child is a life-changing decision that involves careful planning and a structured process. If you have an interest in adopting a child through private adoption, you should understand how to navigate the steps necessary to bring a new member into your...
What to do if you get pulled over for a DUI
In 2021, Florida law enforcement caught nearly 48,000 people driving under the influence where their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was greater than 0.08%. In addition, 194 people in Florida died from DUI-related car accidents. The expansive tourism and these...
Frequently asked questions about adoption in Florida
Understanding Florida adoption laws can help families make an informed decision about adoption. These are the answers to some of the most common questions asked about becoming parents to adopted children. Review this information if you are at the beginning of a...
Your rights and responsibilities as a tenant in Florida
If you pay rent to live in a home or apartment, you are a tenant under Florida law. As a tenant, you have certain rights and responsibilities associated with your occupancy. Understanding your rights can protect you from unsafe living conditions and expensive legal...
Do you need more than a good realtor when buying a house?
Purchasing a home in Florida is a significant legal and financial transaction. There is an element of financial risk involved with any home purchase, but there are certain things you can do to lower your risk for costly surprises and additional complications.Many...
As a grandparent, when can you seek visitation or custody?
Florida grandparents seeking custody or visitation of their grandchildren know that they have a challenging task ahead of them. Grandparent rights are a complex and difficult legal issue, and often, there are many complications standing between them and their goal of...
Does your business really need non-compete agreements?
There are various things you can do to protect your Florida business, including ensuring you have the appropriate legal protections in place. One of the ways you can do this is by leveraging the benefits of business contracts, which you can use to protect and preserve...
Terminating parental rights is a complex and delicate matter
Having a child in your life may be one of your great joys, even if the child is not yours biologically. In fact, you likely have a special place in your heart for the grandchild or stepchild who is in your care when circumstances beyond your control have separated the...
Facing a high asset divorce? You can protect your interests.
During a divorce in which there are significant and valuable assets at stake, it can be complex and stressful to protect your financial interests. The end of a marriage signals major life changes for Florida couples, and this includes financial capabilities, lifestyle...
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