Raising a child is an incredibly expensive process. Florida parents may struggle to keep their kids in clothing that fits, full of healthy food, and engaged in activities that are both entertaining and educational. Providing a child with what they need can be hard for...
Month: March 2019
Child support and alimony have different purposes
A divorce can leave a lot of questions in the lives of Florida residents. While one of the parties may continue to work and earn the income that they made while they were in their martial relationship, the other may worry about how they will make ends meet without the...
Protect your business interests in a commercial lease
Your Florida business is growing, and you are finally ready to find your own building or lease more space so you can continue to expand and serve more customers. Finding the right type of space for your company is not easy, especially finding one that meets your needs...
What is implied consent?
Readers of this blog may have heard that Florida, like many other jurisdictions, has an implied consent law on its books. What that means may not be clear to many who have heard of the law's existence but do not know what it mandates. While this post will briefly...
Challenges surrounding sole physical custody of a child
It can be hard for a Florida parent to give up the opportunity to see their child every day, though this may be a necessary sacrifice if they choose to end their marriage in divorce. Children of divorce must be cared for through custody schedules that usually grant...
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